Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Work Out Wednesday: Baby Bound

Last week's average: 8165 steps per day.

Pros: I remembered to wear my pedometer every day, including the weekend. I also had 3 days of over 10K steps. What helped was I finally wiped down the old elliptical and did some heart-thumping cardio after the boys went to bed one night. Due to some weird running-related injuries, I'm only doing 20 minutes to start, per the advice of my personal, nagging PT...aka my sister.

Cons: Although I was on my feet a lot cooking over the weekend, stepping back and forth along the counter does not accumulate many measured steps. I also received a haircut from a good friend on Saturday--she thankfully makes house calls, but it usually results in me sitting for a few hours and then we sit some more and yammer on for the rest of the afternoon. I also got some much-needed snoozing done on Sunday morning and all told didn't leave the house. Another factor involved the baby being sent home sick from daycare, which resulted in me working from home for 2 days and missing out on my long, snaking walks through the cubicals at work, which usually helps me drive up my step totals.

The upcoming week will present its own challenges, but I'm ready! 

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