Monday, October 24, 2011

Stuff I Did Tonight

Since picking up the boys from daycare/preschool and arriving home at 5:15, I have done the following tasks:

-Baked a loaf of bread
-Raked the front yard
-Cooked dinner from scratch (sauteed mushrooms & onions with steamed broccoli and bacon over rotini pasta; didn't have enough milk left for a cream sauce)
-Pureed up a batch of baby food and froze it
-Froze a bunch of bananas & chopped the peels for the compost
-Cooked a batch of vegetable soup for the freezer (cauliflower & pea shoots w/bacon & basil)

I still have a few hours worth of freelance work to be done and I'd really like to watch this week's episode of "Walking Dead" on the DVR. There are still apples and pears in the kitchen that need to be put away, as well as a bag of peppers and some kale in the fridge. The soup will have to be put into containers and frozen once it's cooled off. I want to get some chicken ready for the crockpot tomorrow, but I'm not sure if I can throw in the turnips that came in this week's CSA share, and I am putting off looking up how to prepare them.

The rest of the nightly routine requires that I gather frozen ingredients for the morning smoothie and stick the blender in the fridge to soften overnight; grind up coffee and fill the machine with water; throw my cup of soup, chunk of bread, and apple into my lunchbag; pull out baby food to thaw; and pump a bottle for the sitter in the morning.

It's 9:17pm.

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