Thursday, June 3, 2010

Mommy Miracle

I know I've been a horrible blogger lately, and I fully blame summertime fun, new local friends, and busyness in the garden for that. I also know that I will probably jinx myself with this post, but I must commemorate this giant achievement before it passes. 

About a month ago, we made friends with a new-to-the-area family with a little boy just about Joe's age. It has been wonderful to see both boys play together and develop a little toddler friendship. It's even better that I now have someone to trade babysitting with, even though it has been relatively (knock-on-wood) easy to watch both boys at once because they keep each other occupied.

Right now, at this moment, BOTH boys are napping. I know. Insane. Two toddlers down at the same time? Also, they've been napping for over an hour so I have actually gotten WORK DONE. Crazy.

I know as soon as I hit publish they will both wake up, but I feel such a ridiculous sense of accomplishment at having gotten them both down.

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